Internet Vikings Cloud Servers

Internet Vikings cloud servers - Cloud hosting

With 17 years’ experience in the industry, Internet Vikings offers a cloud-hosting service that is second to none. Cloud hosting spreads the load of your online presence across multiple servers. In contrast, ordinary shared hosting or web hosting places various websites on a single remote server.

Cloud hosting offers many benefits over regular web hosting if you’re running a business website. That’s even more true if your site is mission-critical. Why? Because it offers more excellent reliability, lower running costs, high-speed performance, security, and scalability. Internet Vikings Cloud hosting is an especially good choice for small to mid-sized companies, since it’s relatively inexpensive and adapts easily to any growth or loss in business.

Most cloud services consist of a “multi-tenant” public cloud system where numerous customers access the same set of cloud resources. Each tenant is allotted personal space where stored data is inaccessible to other customers.

While there are benefits to a public cloud system (e.g., cheaper to run and use, easier to roll out updates), Internet Vikings offers private cloud hosting for companies needing ultimate levels of security and reliability. Regardless of your individual needs, the company has a solution that allows you to deliver your website and services across the world.

Internet Vikings cloud servers - Cloud System

Internet Vikings Cloud Servers

Cloud Hosting Security

Businesses have natural concerns about storing data in the cloud rather than in-house. Theoretically, multi-tenant cloud hosting poses a higher risk to data security than private cloud hosting. It’s a bit like sharing a communal entrance to your home with neighbors you’ve never met. You wouldn’t want to leave your keys in the door.

Internet Vikings cloud servers - Virtual machine isolation
The additional risk posed by multi-tenant cloud hosting is mitigated in the real world by the exhaustive countermeasures reputable companies take. Virtual machine isolation (VM isolation) is one such measure. The way these protocols are implemented is vital to their effectiveness. In this industry, data security and business reputations are inextricably linked. You can be confident in the security and performance of Internet Vikings cloud servers.

Of course, the concept of 100% security is theoretical. New vulnerabilities in varying degrees of seriousness are being discovered all the time, and there’s no shortage of criminals willing to exploit them. A security benefit of cloud hosting is that one infected server cannot bring down your site for long. The problem is quickly isolated and addressed while you continue operating.
Internet Vikings cloud servers - third-party auditing

Another facet of cloud security is third-party auditing. Cloud providers use independent auditors to examine attributes like security management, transparency, and reliability. Overall, as long as you choose your provider wisely, data stored in the cloud is safer than data stored conventionally.

Many of the data breaches that occur within cloud environments or any environment are at the user level. The use of insecure external devices causes them, such as vulnerable public WiFi connections, misplaced documents, lost passwords or authentication credentials, misconfigured assets, and phishing attacks. Staff training helps to prevent some of these hazards.

Internet Vikings Cloud Servers

Connectivity & Reliability

Reliability is a big stumbling block in the take-up of cloud hosting and services. Can cloud servers be as reliable as in-house servers? Internet Vikings cloud servers certainly can.

Internet Vikings cloud servers - Connectivity & Reliability
For users of public cloud services, problems are sometimes caused by “noisy neighbors” who hog the shared resources. One way to combat this is by use of flash storage. Internet Vikings cloud servers use high-speed all-flash storage to help prevent the problems associated with HDDs (hard disk drives) and overburdened memory.

Although cloud computing is inherently reliable with multi-server support and pooled resources, it is not infallible. Outages have various causes, including power loss, software defects, misconfigurations, malware attacks, and human error.

Internet Vikings cloud servers - 100% Uptime

In the Service Level Agreement (SLA) of a cloud host, it’s worth noting the guaranteed annual uptime on offer. A commonly quoted 0.1% maximum downtime equates to around eight hours per year. If that is exceeded, you’ll usually be paid compensation in the form of service credit.

The methods used by reputable cloud-service providers like Internet Vikings cloud hosting to prevent downtime (aside from using numerous servers) include network redundancy and power redundancy. Through the use of multiple internet connections and power sources, providers can realistically aspire to 100% uptime. Internet Vikings incorporates redundancy into its hosting service to ensure reliability.

Cloud Server Speed

Various factors affect cloud server speed, including bandwidth, the locations of servers, and their geographical spread, web server type, vCPU speed, and number of vCPUs.

Thanks in part to its use of all-flash SAN technology, Internet Vikings cloud servers deliver a lightning-fast 70ms response time to 80% of the world. Flash storage offers other benefits, too, like simplified management (e.g., reliability, economy of space), scalability, and long-term cost savings.

There are good reasons for needing speed from your cloud host. If you’re running an e-commerce website, for instance, slow-loading pages will cause a significant loss in custom. Latency differences measured in milliseconds are known to cost sales.

Internet Vikings cloud servers - 70ms Response Time

Scalable Solutions

One of the great benefits of cloud computing for young companies is scalability. A growing or sudden need for physical space and infrastructure can be costly for such businesses. Still, these demands are easily met by cloud hosting. Companies might also need to downsize, which a good cloud-hosting provider will accommodate.

Internet Vikings cloud servers

Scalability can refer to several changes, like increased RAM, more powerful CPUs, or upgrades in storage type (e.g., HDD to SSD). These types of adjustments are known as vertical scaling, whereas horizontal scaling refers to changes in the number of servers used to spread the workload. The latter is more complex but is also less limited in the long term than hardware upgrades.Internet Vikings cloud hosting offers unlimited scaling on its cloud hosting solutions, so customers get exactly what they or their business needs at all times.

When you want speed, scalability, dependability, and a premium hosting package for your iGaming or Sports Betting website, Internet Vikings are ready to meet your demands. Get in touch today to find out how they can help!